Canular n°18 - 2 - Pièces de Charles-Simon Favart

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Retrouvez les véritables titres des pièces de Favart. Attention aux pièges tendus par notre farceur de service !

Les Deux Tunnels
La Poire de Bezons
Le Cale-bourgeois
La Chercheuse de cris
La Fête des Saints Clous
Le Prix de sa terre
L'Hippo. est par ici
Le Toc de village
Noix de cajou
Les Mamours à la noix
Cimetière assiégé
Menhir et Beurette
Les Dindes dansantes
Crouton et Rosette
Les Amours de Baston et Bas-se-tiennent
La Serre vante mes tresses
Minette à la tour
Les Trois Soutanes ou Soliman fécond
Aneth et Lupin
L'Onglet à bords doux
La Fée Prunelle ou Ce qui plaît aux cames
La Rombière de Salency
Le Bel Larsen

Réponses ci-dessous. Answers below.

1734 : Les Deux Jumelles
1735 : La Foire de Bezons
1738 : Le Bal bourgeois
1741 : La Chercheuse d'esprit
1741 : La Fête de Saint-Cloud
1742 : Le Prix de Cythère
1742 : Hippolyte et Aricie
1743 : Le Coq de village
1744 : Acajou
1747 : Les Amours grivois
1748 : Cythère assiégée
1750 : Zéphire et Fleurette
1751 : Les Indes dansantes
1753 : Raton et Rosette
1753 : Les Amours de Bastien et Bastienne
1755 : La Servante maîtresse
1755 : Ninette à la cour
1761 : Les Trois Sultanes ou Soliman Second
1762 : Annette et Lubin
1763 : L'Anglais à Bordeaux
1765 : La Fée Urgèle ou Ce qui plaît aux dames
1769 : La Rosière de Salency
1773 : La Belle Arsène

Sabine Chaouche

Publication: "Creation and Economy of Stage Costumes. 16th-19th century" ed by Sabine Chaouche

Publication type: Journal
Editor: Chaouche (Sabine)
Abstract: European Drama and Performance Studies is a journal devoted to the history of performing arts. Thematic issues are published in French and/or English.
Number of pages: 375
Parution: 07-05-2023
Journal: European Drama and Performance Studies, n° 20

Ce volume fait découvrir au lecteur un atelier souvent méconnu : celui des costumes de théâtre sous l’Ancien Régime. Il met en lumière les différents métiers relatifs à la fabrication des tenues des acteurs, l’univers des marchands ainsi que les coûts liés aux commandes de textiles ou de vêtements. Cet ouvrage redonne une place centrale à l’archive, et plus particulièrement aux sources méconnues que sont les factures des tailleurs, des perruquiers ou d’autres fournisseurs tels que les drapiers, les merciers, les plumassiers, les bonnetiers etc. Il met en lumière à travers les huit articles et annexes qui le composent, un pan de l’histoire du costume de scène longtemps délaissé.

Sabine Chaouche


Sunday, September 19th 2010
Read 5273 times


The journal publishes thematic volumes relating to any period through special issues (two issues per year); (printed and online publication by Editions Classiques Garnier). Thematic volumes submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed by the editorial board prior to any publication. Articles can also be sent to external reviewers. The Director and General Editor is Prof. Sabine Chaouche. If you have any queries and want to know more about the peer-review process, please contact her at

Articles which emphasize historical, cultural, practical, or literary aspects or which feature interdisciplinary or comparative subjects are particularly welcome. The journal encourages articles focusing on primary sources or barely known documents, as well as those that apply theoretical and critical approaches. Articles can be submitted either in French or English. A special issue will include 14 to 18 contributions (650,000 characters to 760,000 characters).


Director and General Editor
Professor Sabine Chaouche, Sunway University and The University of Oxford

Editorial Board
Professor Hélène Laplace-Claverie (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France)
Professor Estelle Doudet (Université de Grenoble Alpes, France)
Professor Jennifer Tamas (Rutgers University, US)
Assoc. Professor Jean-Yves Vialleton (Université de Grenoble Alpes, France)
Professor Claudio Vinti (Università degli Studi di Perrugia, Italy)


Link to the publishing house: Editions Classiques Garnier

The journal will review original manuscripts which do not duplicate any other previously published work. Articles submitted must not be under consideration or accepted for publication or in press elsewhere. They must not include any abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal content.

Any thematic issue will be peer-reviewed prior to any publication. Amendments may be asked, and articles which would not follow academic standards will be rejected.

1. Editor's responsibilities:

- to coordinate thematic issues, articles and liaise with the publisher
- to ensure that any article submitted be peer-reviewed by at least two external and independent reviewers and be accepted for their academic quality solely
- to liaise with authors and deal with any complaint which might be made or in the event of a conflict

2. Reviewers' responsibilities:
- to produce an objective review of the articles submitted in a timely manner and help improve the academic quality of the journal
- to decline the invitation to write a review in the event of a conflict of interest (institutional, collaborative, etc.) and inform the General Editor about it
- to not use any part of the submitted original work for their own research work should the article be not published

3. Authors' responsibilities:
- to confirm that the work which is submitted is original, as well as acknowledge and cite clearly content sources on which the article is based
- to obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources
- to sign a statement certifying that the article is the author's own work and has never been published when the article is accepted for publication
- to clear the permission of any images to be published in their article

4. Unethical behaviour such as plagiarism:
- the General Editor should be informed of misconduct by email with supporting evidence in order to start an investigation
- the General Editor will give the author the opportunity to respond to allegations
- the General Editor will consult with the Editions Classiques Garnier about sanctions when misconduct or unethical cases are confirmed

How to submit a proposal?

You should prepare:

- a cover letter including your contact details

- a proposal including:

1. the proposed title of the special issue;
2. a summary of the topic area to be focused upon;
3. a justification of its relevance and, if applicable, its origin (e.g. proceedings of a conference);
4. the potential editor or co-editors;
5. the potential authors OR the list of the contributions and authors (abstracts of 250 words included);
6. a timetable: call for papers (if applicable); review of articles; editing and proofreading.

If the proposal is accepted, editor(s) will be responsible for:

- preparing the call for papers (if applicable);
- getting submissions, arranging the review process, making decisions relating to the quality of the issue;
- providing all authors’ contact information;
- carrying out all correspondence with the contributors;
- updating the editor of EDPS on the progress of the special issue;
- providing and sending the completed and approved final versions of the articles formatted in the EDPS’s style (especially footnotes and bibliography);
- publicizing the special issue broadly to various mailing lists and sites.

Images: All authors should agree to supply illustrations of an appropriate quality (colour or black and white, at least 300dpi) and clear the permission rights. The number of images is limited and images which can be found online will not be accepted. Editions Classiques Garnier have clear guidelines re: images and copyright which will be sent to the editors.

Length: Each contribution should not exceed 6,000-7,000 words in length (footnotes included).

Instructions and guidelines to contributors will be sent via email (they will follow Editions Classiques Garnier's conventions)

Proposals should be addressed to the Director and sent at the following email address:

How to submit an article?

Authors should send their anonymised article to the journal together with a letter to the Editor including their contact details, a title-page and a 250-word abstract in French or English, at the following email address:

Length: 6,500 to 10,000 words
Format: authors will be asked to format their article when it is accepted for publication

They will receive a confirmation email from the Editor. The peer-review process generally takes three to six months. The author will be notified of the Editorial Board's decision in due course.

ERIH PLUS indexation (24 Feb. 2017)




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